AngElixs Designs

Angie Smith founded AngElixs Designs in 2014. Angie’s distinctive style is a captivating blend of macabre, gothic and fairytale elements. Her designs are a testament to the power of storytelling through fashion.

The Báthory collection is Inspired by the notorious Hungarian countess, Elizabeth Báthory, historically known as the Countess of Blood. By exploring the tale of Elizabeth and her victims, this collection invites viewers to contemplate the line between innocence and evil, history and legend, and the haunting allure of the macabre.

“A bold, expressive range of looks that claims attention and talkability. While niche in its appeal, designs make a clear statement about celebrating the physical form, as well as capturing the arresting gothic aesthetic.” - Anusha Couttigane, Head of Advisory, Vogue Business


Onyx vs. Phoenix


Rosie Billington